Coparenting Mediation

Collaboration for the childrens best interests

Making the Best Choices for Your Children

The primary focus of co-parenting mediation is to help parents work together, improve communications skills, and work through issues with the best interest of the children in mind.

Co-parent mediation provides an excellent venue for parents to sit together, establish new patterns of communication, and work through their residential schedules, parenting plan agreements, resolve misunderstandings and parenting conflict, and design a strong, child-centered parenting plan for their children while respecting each other as parents.

A neutral mediator, who is trained to facilitate communication, can assist co-parents in developing and formalizing agreements. Mediation is not psychotherapy, marital counseling, or legal representation. Mediators with backgrounds in law and mental health do not represent or counsel mediation clients during the mediation process, but rather serve as neutral facilitators of the decision-making process. The mediator does not decide who is right or wrong nor do they issue a decision. The mediator helps the parties work out their own solutions to problems.

Whether as coparents you have been court-ordered to engage in coparenting work or whether you have voluntarily chosen to engage in coparenting mediation, each coparenting dyad is different as well as the needs of their children. Working with a mediator can help coparents work together to come to resolution.

Mediation Session

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